Monday, July 23, 2012

Interview with Pro Jamerson (Subsapien)

Pro (Subsapien)
Hey, all! I'm back with another interview. Today's is with my female main character, Pro Jamerson, of my science-fiction novel, Subsapien: Biomech. *looks at Pro* Hello, Pro. How're you?

*smiles, is sitting in her chair with one leg crossed over the other, Southern accent* Hi, Tori. I'm doing fine.

Glad to here. So tell us, is “Pro” your whole name?

No, it's Promise, but it's Pro to everyone. No one calls me Promise.

I see. So, Pro, what do you do in your everyday life?

I work with Rota Enterprises with experimental biotechnology, go to school, and do some government work.

Can you elaborate on “government work”?

No, sorry, I can't disclose anything to the general public.

I understand. *smirks* Do you have anything romantic going on between you and either Bryce or Caleb?

*blushes, scoffs* No. Totally no. I mean they're okay, but Caleb is a nerd and Bryce is well Bryce. I'm too busy with way more important stuff to be in a relationship--especially with one of them.

*peeks in room* Um, did someone call me?

No, but while you're here you have a question from Jedi_Kyra 117. “Caleb, do /you/ like half and half?”

Uh, no. *shifts weight from foot to foot awkwardly* Do you need me for anything else?

*fidgets in chair*

No, you can go.


*looks at Pro* And you're sure nothing is going on?

Yeah. Positive. One hundred percent sure.

Okay. *winks at her* Do you have any special skills? Why did the government pick you for this project?

I'm skilled in body combat and I have the correct biological requirements for what we're working on.

Well I think that's all the questions we have for you right now. If any readers have questions for Pro feel free to post them in the comments and subscribe so you know when she answers.You can check out more about Pro's book in current projects, her book's Pinterest board, pictures I've drawn for the book on deviantART and fan art on my Facebook page.

Yep. I hope you all enjoyed this interview. Thanks for reading. :)

If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece and on Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Interview with Caleb Heagen (Subsapien)

Caleb (Subsapien)

Hey, all! I'm back with another character interview and today's is with my second protagonist of the first book of my science-fiction series Subsapien. *looks at Caleb * Hey, Caleb. How're you doing?

Hi, Victoria. I'm doing good. I hope everyone reading this is doing good too. *smiles, waves to you*

Tell us about yourself, Caleb.

Well, I'm fourteen, I'm a patient in a Rota laboratory, I'm biomechanical and I like computers.

Interesting. Tell us about what biomechanical means.

Biomechanical means that I am combination of human and machine because of a severe accident I had recently.

*leans into room from outside the hall, sips from a carton of half and half * Hey, you got anymore jerky?

*frowns* Bryce, you're interrupting. And where did you get that half and half?

*sips from carton, swallows* Fridge.

*shifts uncomfortably*

I didn't say you could go rummaging through my fridge.

I'm hungry.

I'll get you more jerky after I finish the interview with Caleb.

Do you think people are going to actually read it? I mean you already got a suckish vote. *sniffs a laugh*

*purses lips* Well, while you're here, Bryce, you've gotten two questions from Jedi Kyra_117, "What jerky do you like, Bryce?" and "Who would you rather Tori have picked for your norm lookalike?" And you have a fan.

Barbeque and I dunno, but the Zac Efron dude is probably like dead where I come from. *smirks* I have a fan. That's cool and slightly weird. Maybe this blog was a good idea.

*rolls up sleeve, looks at a rectangular screen on his metal are* You know we probably should be getting back to the lab before anyone notices we're missing.

Yeah, I know. Bryce, go play on the Wii and leave us alone for a while, okay?

Whatever. Bye, nerds. *leaves*

*rolls eyes*

*sighs* So, Caleb, what is lab life like?

*shrugs* It's not great, but we're treated okay. We have good food, we go to school at the lab and we have some break time.

I see. One last question: What do you think of Bryce?

*glances towards the other room* He is kind of weird. He freaks me out a little with his tail and the growling thing he does, he never sits at the table and he eats with his hands. It's kind of gross.

I see. Thank you, Caleb. And thank you everyone who read this. If you have any questions for Caleb comment and subscribe so you know when he replies; the upcoming interview with another main character from Subsapien, Pro Jamerson; a sample chapter from Subsapien; and more. You can check out more about Caleb's book in current projects, his book's Pinterest board, pictures I've drawn for the book on deviantART and fan art on my Facebook page

Girl From the Other Room:
Tori! What's a weird guy doing in our house?

*tenses* That's my sister. Got to go!

If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece, Tuesdays are Tea Tuesdays with tea reviews, Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word, and Fridays are Fan Fridays where I post tags and other goodies. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Plushies, Contests, France and Titles!

Hey, all! I got a few things to share with ya'll!

Number 1: I'd like to introduce my Book mascot, Rouyn-Plushie.

He is a chibi plushie of my main character, Rouyn, from my fantasy series, Starbloods. For those of you who don't know, chibis are a certain style of Japanese drawing that is meant to look very cute and they bend the rules of reality to do that. My friend made this plushie for me last Christmas and he is going to be popping up on occasion in pictures. :) I call him Rouyn-Plushie since the character he was made after doesn't like to be pictured as this little guy all the time. ;)

Number 2: To all of you that have been following my blog since last week, the title change for Subsapien formally Chronicles of the Persecuted is recent. I believe that it fits the series better since the title is taken from the Latin word for "under" which is "sub" and the from the Latin name for human which is "homo sapien" so Subsapien meaning "under human." So you're not crazy if you were thinking, "I could have sworn that was different! What the heck?!" ;)

Number 3: I have entered into a writing contest! It's a back cover copy contest aka the words you read on the back of a book at Barnes & Noble. I'll be posting the back cover copy in my book description bar on the left. Update: It's not there anymore I changed it. So I'm really excited about that. :) *crosses fingers* The site hosts a web conference, so if you're a writer, it's pretty cool to check out plus it's free. :D Who doesn't love free stuff?

Number 4: In September, I'm going to Senlis, France for a mission trip!

This is going to be my first time ever traveling out of the country and I'm really excited to see what God has in store for me. :) Plus I'm hoping to get some book inspiration since the town has a real castle! :D

That's what I got right now. Stay tuned for the upcoming character interview with Caleb Heagen, a sample chapter from Subsapien (Update: which I ended up taking down due to revisions) and more! Thank you for reading. ^ ^

If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece, Tuesdays are Tea Tuesdays with tea reviews, Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word, and Fridays are Fan Fridays where I post tags and other goodies. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Picture & Description for Subsapien Biomech

Bryce (left), Caleb (middle), Pro (right)

Hey, all! This is a picture of three of my main characters I drew along with a description of the book they're from: Subsapien Biomech. I hope you like it. :) I will be posting a sample chapter soon. (Removed it because I've done too many revisions since this post. XD) Thanks for reading. ^ ^

UPDATE: Changed the description to my even newer description. 

The only life seventeen year old Bryce has ever known is as a subsapien grafting, a half human half cheetah creation; a prisoner in the Rota labs; and the guardian of his beloved younger brother, Matt. He’s never met his parents or been to school, only endured whatever unethical experiments the scientists have subjected him to. After his legs are crushed during yet another test, he wakes up in a different lab far away with new mechanical parts—and without Matt. 

Judah Mitchell, the manipulative CEO of the company who owns Bryce, offers him a deal to change his destiny as a lab specimen. He wants Bryce working security in his home with Matt, meaning Bryce will finally leave the abuse of the labs.

The price?  Bryce has to become like the humans who have tortured him. 

With the help of another subsapien named Caleb, he must learn to become the race he’s hated since the first needle prick. He must turn away from the ways of survival and animalistic behavior ingrained in him as a child and become normal. But secretly, he vows to escape the labs all together like he’s always wanted … just as soon as he gets his only remaining family back.

Are humans all bad like the scientists and guards? Will he ever see his little brother again? Can Judah Mitchell even be trusted at all? Is the deal worth giving up Bryce’s identity? 

If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece, Tuesdays are Tea Tuesdays with tea reviews, Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word, and Fridays are Fan Fridays where I post tags and other goodies. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! :)

Interview with Bryce (Subsapien)

Bryce (Subsapien)

Hey, all! This is my first blog post and I'm going to kick-start my new blog with an interview with one of my protagonists from my work in progress science-fiction series, Subsapien

*walks past the door to the interview room with a bag of beef jerky*

Hey! Bryce, where are you going? *runs out of the room into the hall*

This is stupid. I don't wanna do this.

*drags him into the room by the arm, sits him down on the interview chair* It's not stupid. It'll take five minutes.

*rips off a piece of beef jerky, twitches cheetah tail* Whatever.

*sits down in a chair opposite to him* So tell us about yourself. All we know about you as of now is that you like jerky and look like Zac Efron.

*almost chokes on beef jerky* I look like who? Gimme that laptop. *turns laptop sitting on my lap towards him* You are not posting that. That norm looks like a pansy.

*pushes him off* He does not. *sighs to regain cool* Why don't you tell us what a norm is?

*huffs* Anyone who ain't a grafting.

And what's a grafting?

*mouth full of jerky* A kid that was grafted with animal DNA. Can I leave now?

*rubs eyes* Two more questions and you can leave. What is your world like?

Stupid and rough.

Can you explain a little more?

There are lots of labs, grens, black-jackets and domes. *gets up* That was two questions. Bye.

Wait! That other question didn't count!


Well, that's all I'm getting out of him right now. If you have any questions for Bryce comment below and I will try to pin him down again. Subscribe to be notified about the upcoming interview with my second protagonist, Caleb Heagen; sample chapters; and more. You can check out more about Bryce's book in current projects, his book's Pinterest board, pictures I've drawn for the book on deviantART and fan art on my Facebook page. Thanks for reading. ^ ^

Update: I found a guy that looks like Bryce even more than Zac Efron: Colton Haynes.