Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wonderful Word Wednesday: Inimical

It's Wonderful Word Wednesday again and here's this week's word!

1.) adverse in tendency or effect; unfavorable; harmful: a climate inimical to health.
2.) unfriendly; hostile: a cold, inimical gaze.

Example Sentence: Judah stared at Caleb from across the desk; his friendly green eyes had turned dark and inimical.

He's smiling now but he can be mean when he wants to.

Have you seen or used this word before? What do you think of it?

If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece, Tuesdays are Tea Tuesdays with tea reviews, Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word, and Fridays are Fan Fridays where I post tags and other goodies. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tea Tuesday: Barrels of Tea

I'm not really a coffee person. I prefer tea, and I know a lot of fellow writers love tea, too. But have you ever wanted to break out of the Early Grey or English Breakfast norm and try something new? Well, let me help you find some cool new teas! If you need a little hot and flavorful boost to help you reach your writing goal or you're just a lover of tea or you'd like to try some tea but aren't fond of the stereotypical types, these Tea Tuesday posts are for you.

This weeks tea is ... 

*drum roll*

Barrels of Tea

How I found it: I found this tea on the Adagio tea website while browsing through their many fandom blends. This is same tea company I got the Avatar: The Last Airbender set which includes AangKatara and several more fandom blends and BBC Sherlock teas which includes Sherlock Holmes (of course ;) ) and John Watson and several more blends. I thought I wouldn't get this tea in time because somehow it went to Miami, Florida. I live in Atlanta. Go figure. But it is here the Tales and Tea Leaves set! It is a set based on Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit books. The tagline for the set is "For those who wander." Enjoy Tolkien fans!

The Tea: This tea reminds me of apple cider I make around Christmas yet more fresh. It has a strong apple flavor from the Spiced Apple Chai and apple tea with a sweet taste from the Irish Breakfast Vanilla. It's a calming flavor that tastes like a treat. I could see this as a tea the dwarves had at Bag End when they had an unexpected party and it reminds me of the cider that could be in the Elves's cellar. All in all it definitely tastes Middle Earth. 

Serving Recommendations: I steeped this tea for three minutes and added just sugar though cinnamon may be good in it. 

How much is it and where can you get it? You can find this tea at the Adagio website. I bought this tea in a sample set which was about $22 including shipping and you get a goodly amount of tea since you only need about a teaspoon per cup.

So how good is it? I really enjoyed this tea. It's very unique from other teas I've had and I'll definitely drink this often. Five stars!

Have you tried this tea? What did you think of it? Have you seen or read the Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit? Who's your favorite character?

Bonus! If you are a first-time Adagio customer I can send you a $5 giftcard! Ask in the comments for details! (This is no joke and no catch I seriously can. It's part of the amazingness of Adagio Teas)

If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece, Tuesdays are Tea Tuesdays with tea reviews, Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word, and Fridays are Fan Fridays where I post tags and other goodies. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! :)

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Soundtrack Sunday: The Prince of Persia (The Prince of Persia: Sands of Time)

Hey! It's Soundtrack Sunday again and I have an old favorite. Harry Gregson-Williams is one of my favorite composers because number one he did the music for the first two Narnia movies. I enjoyed him better than the second composer who came in, but I'm biased. For the Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, he really captured the middle Eastern feel and he added his trademark modern instrument bits. I love it. I hope you enjoy. :) For more epic music check out my Soundtrack Sundays YouTube playlist

Have you heard this piece before? What do you think of it? Have you seen The Prince of Persia: Sands of Time?

If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece, Tuesdays are Tea Tuesdays with tea reviews, Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word, and Fridays are Fan Fridays where I post tags and other goodies. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! :)

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Happy Endings: They Do Exist

"Sad endings are more realistic." I've been hearing his often lately, and I beg to disagree.

It seems like these day the whim of a happily ever after is disappearing, and these more "realistic" endings are moving in. Frankly this is disheartening to me. I spend an entire book emotionally invested in a main character then the book ends with her/him losing or dying. What was the point of reading it then?

I believe happily ever afters are more than never having any troubles again, because we will all have troubles throughout our lives. C'est la vie. I believe happily ever afters are the conquering of a large struggle. It is a new, better life paved after the bad. It is hope. For Christians our lives will end happily guaranteed because we will go to Heaven in the end.

Many historical events had happy endings. The colonists won in the Revolutionary War which created the United States. The Allied Powers won World War II and stopped the Thousand Year Reich from happening. The Russians didn't obliterate the USA in the Cold War. Even in horrible events like the planes crashing in the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, but not the White House offered a happy ending. That still after that devastating attack our White House still stands because of the bravery of real people.

If soul-crushing events like this in history can have happy endings why not novels?

As writers what do we want our readers to take away from our writing? If you are considering a sad ending, why? Because it's more realistic? For kicks? To make your readers sad?

By putting your writing out there, you most likely will influence someone. What we read and watch effects us as people. Novels that end with hope could give a reader hope and ones that don't could give the opposite.

I'm not telling you how to write your book. I'm giving my two cents on the matter, because I believe what flows out of the nub of a pen can change hearts and nations for good or ill. In World War II, the Nazis burned books. Why? Because they knew of their power to influence, to make people question Hitler's propaganda.

Every good book has this power and a message. What message will you leave with your readers?

What do you think of happy endings? Does your book have one? What is a favorite book of yours that has a happy ending?

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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wonderful Word Wednesday: Balmy

It's Wonderful Word Wednesdays again! I found another cool adjective. I love finding adjectives in particular because often it's hard to find a word that quite describes what one is envisioning while writing. Anyone know that feeling? I hope this word fits someone's picture in their head for a scene. ^ ^

adjective, balmier, balmiest.
1.) mild and refreshing; soft; soothing: balmy weather.
2.) having the qualities of balm; aromatic; fragrant: balmy leaves.
3.) producing balm: balmy plants; a balmy shrub.
4.Informal. crazy; foolish; eccentric.

Example Sentence: The balmy linden flowers filled Rouyn's senses with a sweet aroma.

Have you seen or used this word before? What do you think of it?

If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece, Tuesdays are Tea Tuesdays with tea reviews, Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word, and Fridays are Fan Fridays where I post tags and other goodies. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tea Tuesday: Mrs. Hudson

I'm not really a coffee person. I prefer tea, and I know a lot of fellow writers love tea, too. But have you ever wanted to break out of the Early Grey or English Breakfast norm and try something new? Well, let me help you find some cool new teas! If you need a little hot and flavorful boost to help you reach your writing goal or you're just a lover of tea or you'd like to try some tea but aren't fond of the stereotypical types, these Tea Tuesday posts are for you.

This weeks tea is ... 

*drum roll*

Mrs. Hudson

How I found it: I found this tea on the Adagio tea website while browsing through their many fandom blends. This is same tea company I got the AangKataraZukoTophIroh and Cactus Juice blends.They have so many spectacular teas! I stumbled upon BBC Sherlock teas, and I had to get them! The set also includes: Sherlock Holmes (of course ;) ), John WatsonMycroft Holmes, Molly Hooper and Greg Lestrade.

The Tea: This is a sweet and calming tea like Mrs. Hudson. I bet she smells like tea and cookies. I could definitely see her drinking this. The assam melody is a gentle tea then the almond in it creates a taste similar to almond scones or shortbread. It fits her personality and her love for making cookies (or biscuits in the UK ;) ).

Serving Recommendations: I steeped this for four minutes and had it with sugar and cream. Some cinnamon or nutmeg may be good to try in this.

How much is it and where can you get it? You can find this tea at the Adagio website. I bought this tea in a sample set which was about $22 including shipping and you get a goodly amount of tea since you only need about a teaspoon per cup.

So how good is it? Though this isn't my absolute favorite of the set it is a very simple, delightful tea and it isn't too unusual in taste that I can only have occasionally. I've already had this tea twice now and I very much enjoy it. ^ ^ Four stars!

Have you tried this tea? What did you think of it? Have you seen Sherlock? Who's your favorite character?

Bonus! If you are a first-time Adagio customer I can send you a $5 giftcard! Ask in the comments for details! (This is no joke and no catch I seriously can. It's part of the amazingness of Adagio Teas)

So comes to the end of the Sherlock set, but now with popular vote the Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit set is next to review! 

If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece, Tuesdays are Tea Tuesdays with tea reviews, Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word, and Fridays are Fan Fridays where I post tags and other goodies. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! :)

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Soundtrack Sunday: Babylonia Theme (Skyland)

It's Soundtrack Sundays again and I have a really cool piece! This piece is from a cartoon that only lasted one season called Skyland. Though the world was inventive, one of the main characters reminded me too much of Sokka (I mean the dude even had a boomerang, but he was more reckless than clever) and the other main character a Katara/Aang character. Despite the lacking in story, the soundtrack is very pretty and this is my favorite piece from it. ^ ^ Check out more cool tracks in my Soundtrack Sundays YouTube Playlist!

Have you heard this piece before? What do you think of it? Have you seen Skyland?

If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece, Tuesdays are Tea Tuesdays with tea reviews, Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word, and Fridays are Fan Fridays where I post tags and other goodies. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! :)

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Liebster Award 2014

I've been nominated for a Liebster award! I was nominated for this last year, but now I have been again. :) A year is a while so I figure I have new stuff to add now.

I was nominated by Ciera Horton @ the Write Things and The Teenage Nerd @ Nerdy Writing. My thanks to both of them and don't forget to check out their blogs. :) Now lets get to the questions! I'm going to use a mix of the ones I've gotten since I have two sets.

11 Things About Me:

1.) I live in the South, but I don't have a Southern accent. I can fake it though.

2.) I take Lama-style Kung Fu for four reasons: exercise, book research, self-defense, and it makes me feel freaking epic.

Unfortunately I'm not this epic ... yet. ;)

3.) I'm 5' 8" so I'm really tall for a girl.

4.) I've met a lot of actors from movies and animes including two minor actors from the Hunger Games, Graham McTavish who plays Dwalin in the Hobbit, Daniel Logan who plays Young Boba Fett in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, Dante Basco who plays Rufio in Hook and Zuko in Avatar: the Last Airbender, Bryce Papenbrook who plays Erin Jaegar in Attack on Titan dubbed and several more.

5.) I've been playing the piano since I was six, and I've been in a lot of competitions during that time. Some of the pieces I've self taught myself are "Dirty Paws" by Of Monsters and Men, "Rue's Farewell" from the Hunger Games and "Concerning Hobbits" from the Lord of the Rings.

6.) I went to France for a mission trip for eight days. I got to go to Paris, a castle, and the countryside. It was an amazing experience.

7.) I prefer riding fourwheelers over cars (even though I named my car Tony because it's cherry red ;) ).

8.) I've been told by many people I look almost exactly like Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss from the Hunger Games).

9.) I love to cook. Some of my favorite dishes are Ratatouille (yes, from the movie), Sundried Tomato and Pecan Soup, and Fajitas. I love good food. ^ ^

10.) I like to watch anime.It's different than American television culturally, artistically. and story-wise. Some of my favorites are Attack on Titan, Guilty Crown, Sword Art Online, and Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

11.) I really like to cosplay which is dressing up as characters from different books, shows, movies, etc. to events. Two I've done are Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender and a Mirkwoord Elf from The Hobbit.

11 Questions from Ciera and The Teenage Nerd:

1. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? New Zealand. I'm dying to go to Hobbiton and Narnia. ;)

2.) Do you prefer British or American spellings? It depends. I like grey better than gray.

3. If you could relive any day from the past year, what would it be and why? Probably a day from the Florida Christian Writers conference though it's hard to choose which one. XD I've met most of my closest friends there, and it's one of the few times of the year I can see them.

4. What famous movie or book character do you identify with? Katara from Avatar: the Last Airbender. It's one of my favorite shows. She and I have a similar personality. I love the fact that she's gentle yet strong. She's feminine but a powerful warrior. We have the same determination, protectiveness, and empathy. She's been an inspiration to me since I first saw the show many years ago. I love her so much I've cosplayed as her.

5. When did you first decide to write a novel? I was eleven, and I decided that I wanted to write a story that had everything I liked in it.

6. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Telekinesis. I want the force. It's a joke with my friends that I reach out for something that's just out of my reach and they hand it to me like I have telekinesis. XD

7. If you had only one day left to live, what would you do? Oh gosh. Um ... Probably drive down and spend it with one of my best friends. When I die, I want to be with one of my best friends.

8. What's a secret talent you have that most people don't know about? I'm really good at impressions and accents. I can sound like Yoshi and Princess Peach from Super Mario and Blue from Blue's Clues. I can do Scottish, Australian, Indian, Irish, Southern, Jewish, Londoner British, Windsor British, German, Russian, and French accents. My British accent has impressed actual British people. XD

9. Are you a morning or night person? Night. *hoot hoot* Mornings are evil.

10. Why did you start blogging? I joined Go Teen Writers and I saw a lot of other people so I thought I'd give it a shot for helping to build my author platform. It took me a while to get into it, but now I really enjoy it.

11. What's something you hope to accomplish or work towards this year? I'm working on finishing at least two drafts this year then either writing another draft or editing. I'm working getting an agent, but we'll just have to see when that happens. XD

And I nominate *drum roll*:

1.) Allison @ Allison's Bookish Life

2.) Alyssa Faith @ Literary and Lace

3.) Bailey @ So She Says

4.) Cassia Taylor @ Dimensions of My Universe

5.) Casey Lynn Covel @ Meek Geek

6.) Elizabeth @ Exhortations by Elizabeth

7.) Elsie Lansberry @ Keep Calm and Beetoven On

8.) Olivia & Caroline @ Two Friends Two Pens

9.) Sienna North @ Of Faerie and Faith

Questions for My Nominees: 

1.) If you could have one day with any superhero, who would it be?

2.) If you could have any object from any book, movie or show what would it be?

3.) Why did you start blogging?

4.) What genre do write in?

5.) Do you have any pets?

6.) Light saber or sonic screwdriver?

7.) What's your favorite Disney movie and why?

8.) What's your favorite kind of music?

9.) Do you have any other artistic talent besides writing?

10.) What place in your books would you like to travel to?

11.) Which character of yours would you go on a date with?

Thank you again for the nomination! And lastly the winner for the Adagio Teas giveaway. *drum roll*

Cassidy Clayton

Congratulations! I'll send you an email soon!

Have you done the Liebster award? Post the link to it below! What are some of your answers to these questions?

You may also like:
Liebster Award!
Summer Summary!
Fall Update 2013!
MomoCon and Fans!
Tea Tuesday: Katara

If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece, Tuesdays are Tea Tuesdays with tea reviews, Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word, and Fridays are Fan Fridays where I post tags and other goodies. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wonderful Word Wednesday: Diffluence

It's Wonderful Word Wednesday again! Here's a neat word. ^ ^

1.) the act of flowing off or away.
2.) the act or process of dissolving into a liquid; liquefaction; deliquescence.
3.) the rate at which fluid flow diverges along an axis perpendicular to the direction of flow at a given point.

Example Sentence: The diffluence of the blood in the river was short lived as it mixed into the water and disappeared.

Have you seen or used this word before? What do you think of it?

If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece, Tuesdays are Tea Tuesdays with tea reviews, Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word, and Fridays are Fan Fridays where I post tags and other goodies. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tea Tuesday: Molly Hooper

I'm not really a coffee person. I prefer tea, and I know a lot of fellow writers love tea, too. But have you ever wanted to break out of the Early Grey or English Breakfast norm and try something new? Well, let me help you find some cool new teas! If you need a little hot and flavorful boost to help you reach your writing goal or you're just a lover of tea or you'd like to try some tea but aren't fond of the stereotypical types, these Tea Tuesday posts are for you.

This weeks tea is ... 

*drum roll*

Molly Hooper

How I found it: I found this tea on the Adagio tea website while browsing through their many fandom blends. This is same tea company I got the AangKataraZukoTophIroh and Cactus Juice blends.They have so many spectacular teas! I stumbled upon BBC Sherlock teas, and I had to get them! The set also includes: Sherlock Holmes (of course ;) ), John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade and Mrs. Hudson.

The Tea: This tea very flowery with a hint of cherry. It is similar to the Aang tea I reviewed since it has Chamomile and Dewy Cherry in it, but a bit more flower since this tea has Snowbud instead of the Earl Grey Lavender. The tea turns pink and it's light and sweet just like Molly. I think it perfectly reflects her gentle personality.

Serving Recommendations: I steeped this tea for three minutes and added sugar only.

How much is it and where can you get it? You can find this tea at the Adagio website. I bought this tea in a sample set which was about $22 including shipping and you get a goodly amount of tea since you only need about a teaspoon per cup.

So how good is it? I enjoyed this as much or possible even more than the Aang tea. Five stars!

Have you tried this tea? What did you think of it? Have you seen Sherlock? Who's your favorite character?

Bonus! If you are a first-time Adagio customer I can send you a $5 giftcard! Ask in the comments for details! (This is no joke and no catch I seriously can. It's part of the amazingness of Adagio Teas)

You have a chance to win a gift card to try this tea yourself! Check out my Adagio Teas gift card giveaway!

If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece, Tuesdays are Tea Tuesdays with tea reviews, Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word, and Fridays are Fan Fridays where I post tags and other goodies. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! :)

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Soundtrack Sunday: Stay (Two Steps From Hell)

It's Soundtrack Sunday again! I have this really cool piece from the newest Two Steps from Hell album "Miracles." I love this track. It reminds me of a romance between two of my characters. ^ ^ The lyrics are cool as well as the background music. It's beautiful. If you'd like to hear more epic music, check out my Soundtrack Sundays YouTube playlist.

Have you heard this piece before? What do you think of it? Have you listened to any Two Steps from Hell?

I'm also having a giveaway right now! Click here for a chance to win a gift card to Adagio Teas, a site that sells awesome fandom-inspired tea!

If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece, Tuesdays are Tea Tuesdays with tea reviews, Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word, and Fridays are Fan Fridays where I post tags and other goodies. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! :)